
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM ation give I fight

Whispered you, you not only brave, and still the heart is thin, how much in the last years, even if is already the person whom I go to heaven as a fairy pupil in the door in the fairy door to see me to lower the head but go, you a small ordinary mortal not only didn't show unintentionally the slightest an idea of fearing and on the contrary returned ability talks to smile breeze to living in front of me, with this cent courage and judgment, be good enough to persuade I is to a letter of recommendation."
Lin Feng smiles and returns to way:"Many thanks, at you give letter of recommendation previous do I want to know what your condition is?"
"Is indeed as expected generous, all right, I also not Rao curved son, letter of recommendation I give you all right, however I to you just the war skill made is rather interested in, we to do how is a commutation?"
Lin Feng Wei Leng next, dark way:"Star month sword method?Ha ha ……have never thought you the open true oral tradition pupil will be interested in thus small way, is really rare, good,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, that reaches agreement verbally, letter of recommendation give I, fight a skill to teach you be."
"Star month sword method?Is this war skill called a star the sword method for month?"
Lin Feng ordered bottom and worked hard answer way:"So you feel to still have than this more accommodation his name?"
"Enough, this name has been all right already …… the letter of recommendation gave you ……"
Because the words fall, an envelope keeps to fly to come over to Lin Feng from the crowd and wink of fall Lin Feng's in front, Lin Feng stretches hand to answer, the man has already turned round to once carry on the back Lin Feng at this time, however the words sound still still spread to Lin Feng Er in:"Remember, I call Ji impermanent, in the days to come, I will seek yours."
The wood is seeing Lin Feng returning to absolute being and hurriedly asking a way:"The maple is little, how are you just were?"
Lin Feng saw next letter of recommendation and said:"Did one to trade just."
Is small and red to see Lin Feng Shou take of is a letter of recommendation, hurriedly ask a way:"Letter of recommendation, who give?"
Lin Feng sneered at under say:"Ji is impermanent."
The small and red facial expression becomes a burst of embarrassed a while and has some to amaze, the next rear just say:"How do you know his?This person can leave he how far leave he how far."
Lin Feng is some to don't understand, ask a way:"How, does this person have a problem?"
Was small and red to lightly vomit tone, said:"In the middle of going to heaven as a fairy 108 true oral tradition pupils in the door, he is to turning over face is aer than turning over book still quick, person such as his, and still the cold face is heartless, if he says today want you to die, you aren't likely to live till the second day, all of true oral tradition pupils is have already livinged to kill big power, they homicidal is don't need to give an account to anyone."
Lin Feng Leng bottom, contemplated for a long time, suddenly smiled under say:"BE?That makes him turn over, there is the time to finish turning over in the book head quarter ."
Lin Feng's words make small and red Lin Rong Lin all just can not understand at all a border a while, don't know that he is just thinking what, a long time is small and red to just say:"See to your returning is really iron to wish to want at go to heaven as a fairy to greatly do in the door a , however you have to remember, the self-confidence is a good matter, but I don't hope your self-confidence is come in stupid, outside pupil in the door generally exists like the mole cricket and ant in the eyes of true oral tradition pupil, a person's living always the nobody will care."
Lin Feng has no reaction and just looking at letter of recommendation as if deep in thought the ground smiled under, say:"Currently the most important is to go first to check in, the later matter waits he to come to say again."
Is small and red to looking at Lin Feng's figure, inwardly sighed under, wish D Ling this brothers 3 people take up and go to heaven as a fairy a door to come also not to know to is a blessing or a disaster.Think to be a bit small and red helplessly heel go up.
Just caused trouble money to not much and early notice, was to see when Lin Feng make moves, his whole individual is all shocked to come down, at this time, he to Lin Feng, can be described with four words, that be-unimaginable.
Lin Feng arrives at money not much of in front, saw the letter of recommendation in the hand one eye first, immediately after smiled to pass the letter of recommendation to money not much, say:"I once said, I would become the pupil that goes to heaven as a fairy a door of, don't know that you still remember not, don't know whether the gold content of this paper enough makes me become outside pupil in the door that goes to heaven as a fairy a door."
At this time, money not much one face of embarrassed, particularly is be he sees Lin Feng take out letter of recommendation and up have impermanent three Ji big word of time his exhaustive foolish come down.
Lin Feng sees money not much the along while have no action, he jilted the next letter of recommendation and shook bottom, from the language way:"Ah, sees come to this Ji impermanent how also not, incredibly the nobody recognizes his letter of recommendation."
Money not much returns to absolute being and hurriedly answered letter of recommendation to say in the past, the finger drew for a while, a Xiang only flew toward heaven and earth door, some joyless appearances passed the letter of recommendation to Lin Feng, cold hum under say:"Take other people to show is so satisfied?Even if you today can become outside pupil in the door, but have to learn into the natural endowments of magical power haven't been able to know, go to heaven as a fairy to return your book in the door, etc. learn into magical power to after becoming the true oral tradition pupil come to show again."

The dispute of the text chapter 39 heaven and earth front of door
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-1-1710:05:08 chapter word numbers:2627

Lin Feng sees money not much the along while have no action, he jilted the next letter of recommendation and shook bottom, from the language way:"Ah, sees come to this Ji impermanent how also not, incredibly the nobody recognizes his letter of recommendation."
Money not much returns to absolute being and hurriedly answered letter of recommendation to say in the past, the finger drew for a while, a Xiang only flew toward heaven and earth door, some joyless appearances passed the letter of recommendation to Lin Feng, cold hum under say:"Take other people to show is so satisfied?Even if you today can become outside pupil in the door, but have to learn into the natural endowments of magical power haven't been able to know, go to heaven as a fairy to return your book in the door, etc. learn into magical power to after becoming the true oral tradition pupil come to show again."
Lin Feng smiles, the tone playing trick say:"Your waiting will have this day."
Money not much at this time but has no mood to play trick and say:"Don't think that everybody can peep magical power of, also need to see you having that natural endowments."Say to no longer realize Lin Feng, continue hand in of live.
If Lin Feng is some to don't understand money not much, at on the way to heaven and earth door, he to small and red asks a way:"Is the natural endowments that money not much says what mean?"
Small and red explanation way:"The affair is such, because going to heaven as a fairy outside pupil in the door of door is thousands, everyone's natural endowments excels each don't exert together, so can not unify a professor, after becoming outside pupil in the door will once natural endowments test, then assigned according to the different natural endowments dissimilarity of spread achievement where did the elder study magical power."
Lin Feng still keeps hasing some to don't understand and asks a way:"Still divide so many?"
Small and red way:"That certainly, although some people became to go to heaven as a fairy outside pupil in the door of door,they don't have the natural endowments of cultivating the magical power and so have to divide them to the physics to fight a skill to go to self-discipline there, this person is 1 type that goes to heaven as a fairy to differ most in the door, free to them to fix for again high, finally no chance follow a fairy way."
Lin Feng is on the whole to understand, ordered bottom, said:"BE so."
Clap 1 row to grow a long troops before the heaven and earth door, , all of these people are the dukes nowadays will mutually of children, once Lin Feng and these people compare with, that isn't a Class of, although he is also a similar to the other people birth Hao door, however canning only cherish a Jin country is too small, don't say that he is the son of imperial censor doctor, even if is emperor's son nowadays, these people can't be seeing his one eye, either.
"Feed, hear?The boy that just beat a day to visit absolute being unexpectedly is a Jin country come of, ha ha, really surprisingly Jin country someone entered to go to heaven as a fairy a door, really is magic too."
"Jin country, which Jin country?"
"Is not the nation of world's least?Is all smto arrive all nobody would like to strike against him."
", Once listenned to once listen to, this leave that is true of, so small of nation of does the person go to heaven as a fairy a door to also accept?"
"Hum ……can enter to go to heaven as a fairy a door again how?Is easy to handle don't ask for, he unexpectedly asks for a prince of month dynasty, everyone knows, sky all a life time elder brother of Li Bi Tian of Feng but Be been from to wave month dynasty, he hereafter have be subjected to of."
"Ha ha ……be be, the fairy door in the other people's eyes, this will be his hell."
These people's discussion listens to in the ear, but Lin Feng disagree, he lines up in the crowd, but these people don't know that he is the youth who comes from a Jin country, at or so look around under after, he transfers attention to open.
"This rules that goes to heaven as a fairy a door is really also of, this princess wants to take a servant why be prohibit?Ah ……the later day Be getting harder to carry on."
A man answered past, say:"Hi ……this you didn't understand, we went to heaven as a fairy door but fairy to believe in holy land, we these do pupil

