
cnn NPC corps heavy

A little .relationresultThe remaining,only to the east to cut the sole practice .This knife if successful ,can be directly put us Africa Command ,and other 5/6 sites blocked from the continent of Africa ,and cut off our 5/6 national onshore passageway ,greatly reduce the China Africa Command for Africa land supporting capacity .
If this is done, the United States is at least half success .relationresultSo I said, absolutely no install what kind of lope G .This gives us a set of ,the greatest degree of the United States Fleet in Luanda firm .
Expand the United States territory .By means of the continent of Africa war received scraping allies game player money . , relationresultPeripateticadded , I recently in the continent of Africa were observed over a period of time .
I see .They have one of the most sinister after strokes .relationresultThe earlysettlement by and our opportunities ,occupation of Angola ,Zambia ,Tanzania ,South Africa and other countries off the overland supply line ,the China Africa Command to destroy .
We in South Africa this core base has built a large number of military factories ,troops and supplies supply warehouse ,will also lose their effect .relationresultTo complete thisaction, then can always turn out into India ocean ,the submarine ,violent attack our India ocean sea supply lines ,with one action to cut our and other countries of Africa sea channel .
As much as possible to our land and sea two transportation lines ,will abolish . , relationresultQinwhite nod .relationresultDragonsword ,the king agreed they two analysis .SA lope g recommendations to the United States ,the most favorable ,the greatest degree of realization of a North American Union interests .
On the Chinese Alliance ,advantageous ,but also is harmful to .Advantageously, will substantially increase sales of arms .Harm is ,destroyed the Chinese in Africa .relationresultHow toavoid the harm ,profit ,became the key .
relationresultQin Xiaobai smiled and said: Americans have the idea ,we also have our ideas .They play this trick ,but want to abolish the we established in South Cape Town harbor Africa Command ,broken our core base .
But our hands ,not only this one brand in South africa . , relationresultQin Xiaobairefers to the look of the Egyptian neighbours - Sultan .relationresultSoul,happy ,king ,dragon almost all eyes .
relationresultWell,on the continent of Africa, China has a large garrison troops directly ,there are two countries :South Africa ,Sultan .relationresultHowever,these two countries have different .
relationresultSouth Africa is theChinese in Africa General core base .And from mainland China to transfer a number of military production capacity of over, by the Chinese game player here established a large military base of the plant ,repair plant ,shipyards ,can be in situ production of the armed forces military supplies .
Even if there is no shipping the quartermaster ,South Africa also can produce their own quartermaster .China only need to put the new development of equipment technology ,to South Africa to do was .
relationresultBut Sultan,only the Chinese air bases and military ,as well as the repair factory ,and not much production capacity .Needed for arms ,were transported from China in the past .
Chinese in Sultan deployment ,far from South Africa so powerful .relationresultSword ofKing : if Sultan is transformed into second core military bases in Africa ,has a strong production capacity .
Then the Americans tried to break the core base in South Africa and other countries in Africa ,it was completely damaged .We can use the two hearts, to give the continent of Africa battlefield transfusion .
, relationresultMission: good, and Sultan in the Africa center, radiation force is extremely strong, close to Egypt ,the Middle East will take great shock and influence .In addition ,the Sudan - Sri Lanka Hambantota port ---- Pakistan Karachi port can be composed of iron river navigation line ,in our China India ocean fleet control range .
Europe and the United States Fleet submarine ,were not so far away, even if having a flat .Sultan this place ,only South Africa is more difficult than to attack .I really want to see in Sultan ,Europe and the United States Army ,touch head broken and bleeding cases .
, relationresultHa-ha.relationresultAll laugh.relationresultSoul of the sea: but ,sir, who are you going to put in charge of Sultan ?We here four has held a command ,cannot be . , relationresultHappyeven said : boss, as in Iran and the Middle East Command ,Facebook,migration to Sultan .
Iran has no war ,the Middle East and no war ,we can support the Pakistan army ,against the India army .,where I have almost nothing to do .The Middle East and the combined forces command in protest .
The Vice Commander learn from other ,have no less to complain .Than to Sultan ,how much can play a few war . , relationresultQin Xiaobaithought it over, nodded: .The Middle East Sea command in Iran for a naval division ,continue to control the Persian Gulf oil outlet .
Middle East Command headquarters moved to Sultan ,to seize the time to Sultan military base ,production base for a large-scale transformation .The two command after the start, American East cut military action ,is also a waste .
, relationresultHappyhappy ,nodding his head .relationresultThe attendant,is China Command of the great migration .This makes the entire Middle East Command game player members almost * * * up .
Long term no wars ,watched the world war in other places to start, they nearly upset is broken .Now move to Sultan ,they will become one of the main core .relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age 369 Siberia City shopping , relationresultUpdate: 2009-7-2121:53:26 chapter number :3736 , relationresultWith the passage of time,the first World War ,the camp two and Camp Camp began the deployment of troops .
relationresultEurope and the United Statesmore than 60 army ,in Senegal ,Angola to carry out lasted for nearly a month large-scale landing .Europe ,North America millions of game player ,hundreds of millions of NPC army ,weapon equipment ,and supplies ,transported to the continent of africa .
relationresultWhilethe camp over 80 countries army ,also in South Africa ,Sultan the same time same size landing .Asian ,India ocean ,South America tens of millions of game player ,hundreds of millions of NPC corps ,google,heavy weapons and equipment ,as well as the material supply ,transported to the continent of africa .
relationresultForthe two camps at the top ,the war may have some plot ,cnn,have the purpose of rhythmic drive of war, the only aim is simply to divide the territory ,to obtain the benefit .relationresultBut forthe two camps most common game player ,this is an exciting world war .
They worked all the power ,to gain the victory .Just one month down ,the war began in the continent of Africa unrestricted spread .relationresultBecauseboth the Corps fought over ,narrow front simply hold, to expanding ,expanding the battlefield everywhere ,let the game player and can play ,not to stay in the rear with nothing to do .
relationresultCampon the west coast of Europe and the United States around the surge, and the camp is on the east coast around the surge ..relationresultThe continent of Africasoon split into two pieces, two camps along the Legion ,Libya ,Chad ,Congo ,Angola ,in a democracy ,Zambia line ,six thousand or seven thousand kilometers long in the continent of Africa middle line, every front are deployed on more than 10 super size of the Corps ,launched a maximum range of lasting tug of war .
relationresultYes,no other description is more suitable to describe the state of war .Because the front too long ,military configuration is divided ,to some extent ,this does not accord with the art of war said the focus point to force a breakthrough in the military theory .
relationresultThe waron both sides of the many high-ranking officers ,that the tactics too dawdle ,unable to obtain the victory of the war .All requests on the concentration of all the armored corps . Related articles:

